
So I grew up in a right-to-work state. I lived in a right-to-work state. I currently live in a union state and am a member of a union.

Shit is really fucked up here.

Not saying that's the fault of unions. However, my grandfather was a regional president of the AFL in a right-to-work state and I certainly wasn't indoctrinated into the horrors of right-to-work. I have seen the stupid song'n'dance you have to do in a non-right-to-work state to accomplish certain things. For example, lots of orchestral scores are recorded outside California because if you want to double the violins in Pro Tools, you copy and paste. But if those violins were recorded in California, you have to pay the violinists double.

This is the problem the left has with GMO: If the rest of the world needs to be convinced that GMO is a bad idea, you'd best not base all your arguments on the assumption that GMO is a bad idea. I've yet to see any paper or magazine or website try to explain why Wisconsin going right-to-work is going to be so terrible for workers everywhere... it's just sort of assumed that if unions need to compete for your dues the world will fucking end or something.

My union is so incompetent that their leadership was removed by the International and each one of them was making over $200k a year apiece. Their replacements are, too - the secretary at my union was pulling down $186k a year and then using unpaid interns to do her work. But to fix that, IATSE had to come down from New York and take them to court. That's the kind of inefficiency I'd like to see handled, thanks, and I haven't seen it happen in right-to-work states.

Anyone else have a different experience? 'cuz I'm honestly curious.

posted 3324 days ago