After four shares on my comment, it seems I should do this. Here goes:

Sometimes we want to speak up, but a glance hushes us. We have something to say, but shyness hushes us. Maybe we want to tell someone that we like them (eightbitsamurai's sister, for example) but fear hushes us. Maybe we live in a repressive regime and oppression hushes us. These are some of the things that -- on the run -- I thought of when I read mk's little poem this morning:

   I changed
What do you associate with the power of hush in your poetic life?

I'll let this roll around in my mind for a while.

rezzeJ Complexity _refugee_ humanodon and the, ever sardonic, flagamuffin --- and everyone else who has a heart of poetry...


Few things are better, if not harder than, throwing in a few solid hours of writing and poetry work during the wee or very early hours of the morning when everyone and thing else is asleep - when not even the birds will dare to disturb you with chirping. I can get into a super zone during those times.

Unfortunately however I love sleep and am a morning person so the times I am awake after 1 AM and before 5:30 AM are few and far between and getting more so the older I get and etc.

posted 3355 days ago