Translated from german by HuffPo



Do you think it was translated? The author seems to live in London and write in English, especially on his blog.

I began reading his blog called, "Muslims do not need to condemn anything," and found this paragraph important:

    By apologising, you are actively presuming liability. Liability which would otherwise not exist. The presumption of liability here implies that should a Muslim commit a crime, 1.6 billion other Muslims think it is okay unless they explicitly say otherwise. That is a bigoted and repulsive double standard to hold a whole host of peaceful people up to.

He makes some excellent points. People are inclined to see the acts of one non-majority person as typical of all the non-majority people. Have you ever heard someone from a majority culture need to apologize or condemn acts by someone of their race or culture? Of course not.

Should Muslim moderates have to condemn Muslim extremists any more than other people? What do you think?

posted 3373 days ago