When President Obama picked Tom Wheeler to lead the Federal Communications Commission in May 2013, our headline was, “Uh-oh: AT&T and Comcast are ecstatic about the FCC’s new chairman.”

    They’re not happy anymore, especially not after Wheeler yesterday all but confirmed at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that he will propose reclassifying Internet providers as common carriers in order to impose net neutrality rules. This would expose broadband to some of the FCC’s strongest powers contained in Title II of the Communications Act, usually reserved for wireline phone service


We'll see. I'll believe Wheeler isn't just pandering when the reclassification actually happens.

    Verizon supports the open Internet. To apply 1930s-era utility regulation to the Internet under Title II reclassification, would be a radical reversal

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

I cancelled my Verizon plan the day they won the DC case.

posted 3392 days ago