At the bottom of the page, Goodreads had issued the following directive (if you are signed in as an author, it appears after every bad review of a book you’ve written): “We really, really (really!) don’t think you should comment on this review, even to thank the reviewer. If you think this review is against our Review Guidelines, please flag it to bring it to our attention. Keep in mind that if this is a review of the book, even one including factual errors, we generally will not remove it.

“If you still feel you must leave a comment, click ‘Accept and Continue’ below to proceed (but again, we don’t recommend it).”

I would soon learn why.


Serious question: I don't think the way she responded was correct, but how should she have actually responded? Like if she had top quality PR consultation, what's the correct way to respond when trolls or negativity threaten to derail your work before it's even had a chance to speak for itself?

posted 3475 days ago