My fall semester schedule leaves me with a long (Longer today because syllabi only take a few minutes to go over in 400 level classes) chunk of time between the class I just got out of, and my last lecture of the day which starts at 6. Today, I've used a portion of that time to put down some thoughts in loose verse, if anyone wants to use them for anything, be my guest.

I plan on doing a bit more of this in the future, and I'll start recording once I get a non-shit mic and a USB converter for my electric guitar.

Today's admittedly rough verse comes courtesy of all of the new-minted freshman here at Michigan State, and the sweaty summer days and nights they reminded me of. I just had to get some of these thoughts down now, I'll expand on them later, when I can play with the sound of it more.

(With a Postal Service vibe. Lots of G, Bmaj, and Dm, tempo increase at the bridge as appropriate, I'll do a rough chord sheet later, possibly with some lyrical revisions)

    God I hope these strangers think I'm cool,

    I want to look like I've been there before I cut my hair, I bought new clothes, I even considered smoking. I check my map in bathroom stalls, Make sure that people know when I'm joking.

    I want to look like I've been there before, Like straight up Jack's my drink. Like I know where I'm supposed to be going, and I don't have to stop and think.

    Bridge Attempts at hiding disorientation Provide us geezers with clear narration Of first year jitters and mixed elation Faux independence and cheap libation fake ID's and heavy flirtation Late nights of sharp isolation, rumors, fights, and indignation.

    God I hope these strangers think I'm cool.

posted 3522 days ago