Apparently the way I talk to people about their beliefs/behaviors is offensive.

Example 1, I was filling out some government-issue paperwork in relation to my heart condition and my school (Disability-resource stuff) when I came across a big swath of questions that made absolutely no sense in the context of the form and the information it needed. When I brought it up to my mom she basically gave me the 'It's a government form, it's going to be bad just by it's nature, do the best you can with it.' She makes a point to vote, to not be a single issue voter (Still votes Republican, but feels bad about it sometimes) but still believes that the whole two party thing is a good idea, that it's not corrupt to the bone and that the 'Will of the people' still matters to those who run the country. So, because it confused me that a person could believe the government is both good and full of crap (Poorly designed forms as an example of larger problems in a lack of error correction within the system) I asked how she held both of those beliefs. A close approximation of my phrasing was 'How can you believe that the government is both worth supporting ideologically AND a bloated, mismanaged exploitable piece of garbage?' I noted an apparent contradiction and tried my best to present a question that would (Hopefully) lead me to an answer that would either eliminate the contradiction or have my mom figure out what she actually felt about the government. Instead she got a little upset, said I was making her sound stupid and that I should be more conversational and less offensive.

Example 2, I was out with Friend A last night and we wanted to go pickup my Wii that I left at Friend B's (Alcohol and Super Smash bro's the night before) apartment. B told us he was in a movie and would be back in an hour or so, so we drove to a coffee shop near his apartment (15 minute drive from original friends house) and waited for a bit(20 mins), before the friend at the movie told us he wasn't going to be back at his house until the next day, as he was going to his girlfriends straight after the movie. B is known for being... Unpredictable. So I finish my coffee, shrug my shoulders and A and I just head back to my A's house for the night. On the way back, A starts whining (Almost full blown nasal whine for most of the ride back) about B being inconsiderate/selfish, and after commiserating for a bit (Yeah it sucks, I wish he was a bit more aware sometimes too) I try and make the point that 1. We have always known that about B. 2, We shouldn't have left the Wii over there anyway, 3. Getting upset about it and STAYING upset about it is just dumb, because it won't make B feel any worse, and because I'm the only other one in the car all it does is make both of our moods worse. All in a calm tone of voice, and he starts giving me the conversation ending 'sure dude' eyeroll headshrug. Like, I should be just as pissed off about something I have no control over, and I shouldn't be trying to make sense of and deal with the situation as it is, not as how I want it to be.

Hubski, am I an asshole?

(Edit to include an apology for the text wall, I'm not sure how else to format it)


I believe I do the same at times, but people that know me well enough seem to overlook it (at least I hope). That said, I'll answer the question you posed to your mother:

    How can you believe that the government is both worth supporting ideologically AND a bloated, mismanaged exploitable piece of garbage?

Not without exception, but I take the view that government efficiency can be a bad thing. At best, government can make most of the people happy, and trend towards making more people happy. However, no individual or group of individuals can understand the workings of government well enough that they can implement anything but partial and gradual changes without doing more harm than good. Central planning can be a terror for all of the realities it ignores. Just as important as the current state of government, is the direction in which it is evolving, and the speed of that evolution. Because of this, even the wisest despot is a fool.

posted 3630 days ago