So I dunno . . . here are some links -

NASA Study: Climate Sensitivity Is High So ‘Long-Term Warming Likely To Be Significant

ShhUsh Limpballs - The Climate is Always Changing

What do you think? I mean, wasn't there talk of a Going to the Moon approach to reducing carbon emissions?

The consequences laid out in the NASA article aren't specified in the particular, what is spelled out is the premise that the situation is far worse than has been predicted. Civilization as we know it hangs in the balance -


Any suggestions? I mean, how do we take the nation's energy policy out of the hands of the companies like Enron and the men who run them, like Ken Lay? In other words, how do we take our energy policy out of the hands of liars, thieves - and other assorted REPELICANS?

If civilization is going to have any hope whatsoever of reducing its carbon footprint and thus saving itself, then that is what we must do, isn't it? Take back our energy policy?

With gutter comedians getting rich by telling lies the way Rush is, how do we do that?


    ...wasn't there talk of a Going to the Moon approach to reducing carbon emissions?

Not really an apt analogy, IMO. Going to the Moon was a common goal that people could cheer for, while cheering against the USSR. There was a sports glory aspect to it. Nobody was harmed, and everyone was rewarded. Fixing GW on the other hand requires hurting a lot of people. Granted, many of these people deserve to be hurt pretty badly, but they have a lot of cash on hand and will do what they can to maintain status quo. The Moon shot was a singular focus with a clearly defined goal and everyone on board. There's no way to reduce GW to such a simplistic focus, I'm afraid. Only controlling energy and food prices can really make a difference in effecting our collective behavior. I've always had the thought that gasoline should be price progressive. That is, if you drive a truck, you pay $6/gallon, whereas, if you drive an electric/gas hybrid, maybe you only pay $3.

The other side, that nobody ever wants to acknowledge, is that your cheeseburger is worse for GW than your pickup truck. Meat should cost the end consumer what it costs the rest of us ecologically. $1/lb for chicken is unconscionable, and it's ruining the world.

posted 3687 days ago