The Kenning blog is also updated with this and a sort of "heads-up-what's-coming" if you want to check it out here

    Hey guys! It’s time for Reading…well, Reading whatever-day-today is.

    This time around I recorded “Casey at the Bat.” This poem is an enchanting classic about the most American of all sports, baseball, and a (fictional) titan of that profession.

    More blog posts coming soon. An interview with Kendall Bell, who’s behind Chantarelle’s Notebook and Maverick Duck Press, and a Form Doesn’t Have To Mean Formal focus on pantoums. Besides that, I might talk about dead dogs in poems soon. It seems to be a popular topic. (Surprising, no?)

    In the meantime, happy Valentine’s Day, guys. I hope you enjoy it.


I really wish there there were a version of Foster Brooks reading this.

Here's his response-poem (from the pitcher's POV) : Riley on the Mound

posted 3721 days ago