So, as part of my return to full time college life this semester I'm going to see a therapist (P.H.D. been practicing for 10 years) weekly to help me deal with the crazy depression I've been working through since senior year of high school. I've been to therapy before, but it was limited run because I went into it considering suicide, and came out of it not considering suicide. But the issue here is who do I tell? My parents know I'm going, as do my little brothers, but I'm not sure if I should tell my friends or romantic interest. Now, as much as possible I try and surround myself with people who don't stigmatize people with mental health issues, and who don't stigmatize seeking help for a diagnosed mental health issue, but the topic still seems... Forbidden somehow. How is your opinion of someone altered if they tell you they are seeing a therapist?


I would just like to say that this community has more empathy than a room full of Buddhas. I appreciate the perspective guys.


    How is your opinion of someone altered if they tell you they are seeing a therapist?
I am generally glad to hear it -- whoever they are.
    Who do I tell?
I'm just guessing, but I suspect you are asking this question because you might want to tell someone. It's absolutely no one's business, but if you begin to feel close to a friend or romantic interest, then it's healthy to not have secrets, to be open about your past and about the future that you are working towards. Keep in mind that much of depression is chemistry and none of depression is your fault.

So let's say you feel close to someone, there are many ways to bring this up. For example: "I had the most interesting session yesterday with my counsellor. He/she helped me understand that I could examine my emotions and question them rather than give them rein."

Another way to bring this up is to point to your progress (with a close friend). "I just noticed that a year ago, this remark (comment, feedback, interaction, whatever) would have flattened me. My counsellor helped me and I'm better able to handle it now and see my choices in responding."

Does this sound useful to you?

posted 3750 days ago