kleinbl00 posted this HTML5 genetic algorithm car program two days ago. It's awfully addictive.

In that post, cgod then suggested using the seed 'hubski' for the world generation.

I've run it over night, and seem to have topped out at 180.52 d:175.78 h:-0.36/8.19m (gen 758).

elizabeth suggested we have a contest, and I think it's a great idea. If only because I want to get pass 180.52m.

Using the seed 'hubski', the person that gets a car the farthest distance by Tuesday Nov 26, 12PM EST (with a screen capture), gets a Hubski t-shirt.

Unless of course, that person is me. :)

Bring it.

UPDATE: The track must be fixed, and your screenshot must include the track graph.

UPDATE 2: With a distance of 1865.85, mike wins the challenge!


FYI: Mt. Hubski at 155m will drive you mad.

posted 3800 days ago