To Whom It May Concern:

    My name is Jenny Kutner, and I write to you to express my interest in an entry-level position at your company. I saw a post for this position on an online job board this morning, after I clicked one of the seventeen links my mother sent me today as part of our ongoing email thread, “Re: Trying to help you help yourself.” I recently graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, where I pursued an interdisciplinary liberal arts degree meant to “teach me how to think.” It is about as likely that you have ever heard of the “renowned” program from which I graduated as it is that I will ever have dental insurance (which is to say, not very). That is, not very likely unless I take the time to explain my degree in this cover letter, which—by the way—I will send to nine other companies after I hit “submit” on this online form.

posted 3826 days ago