Results 56 (80%) of the 70 teaspoons disappeared during the study. The half life of the teaspoons was 81 days. The half life of teaspoons in communal tearooms (42 days) was significantly shorter than for those in rooms associated with particular research groups (77 days). The rate of loss was not influenced by the teaspoons' value. The incidence of teaspoon loss over the period of observation was 360.62 per 100 teaspoon years. At this rate, an estimated 250 teaspoons would need to be purchased annually to maintain a practical institute-wide population of 70 teaspoons.


I work in a large research lab. No matter how it is addressed, reagents and materials in community spaces are pilfered. I've noticed that if an item can be found in the same place over time, it disappears more quickly. I mislabel reagents, move them about, and just hide the ones that I need most.

posted 3850 days ago