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alpha0  ·  4432 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Huxley to Orwell on why Brave New World is more realizable than 1984
> the scary part is the lack of free will. Everyone has their place ordained before birth, and it cannot be changed. Differences between you and I are what tell us that we are able to decide our path in life.

Surprised at this remark. That has been the general case, historically. (e.g. born into a peasant family in middle ages.)

BNW is predominantly about a reactionary "scientific" global autocratic governance, womb to grave. That is indeed a thing to fear, as uprooting such a system is a very low probability event and would likely happen as side effect of a long period of internal decay/implosion. In other words, a Luther could upend the Catholic Church's grip on European minds with mere words nailed to a door, but good luck to the Luther of the Millennial Scientific Reich.

.: In T we trust