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gordonz88  ·  4147 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What dare or prank have you participated in that wasn't a good idea?

I don't really know if you can say it's the OCD that causes the flaws, at the root of it it just depends on the person's character.

In my freshman year of high school I was diagnosed with severe OCD by one of the better doctors in Seattle, and it was even said that the next step up would be so extreme that it would've been recommended I pull out of school.

However, as severe as my symptoms were, part of my mindset was to not inconvenience others or ever be unkind, and as a result most people couldn't even tell that I had the disorder.

Granted, it did end up making me more shy and withheld than I wanted to be, but even as people got to know be better I'd still try to be that nice guy who's there to help and listen, even if I wasn't in a position too. I'd never dream of boastingly beating people in arm wrestling, I don't think that stems from OCD but instead I think that stems from a narcisstic character.

Likewise, I also have (what I assume to be) a realistic sense expectations, and wouldn't say I could publish a book in a year unless I reasonablly could. I don't think that stems from OCD but instead from a unrealistic character.

I'm sure he could've been a better person, OCD or not, and just didn't try to.