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AlderaanDuran  ·  4149 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What dare or prank have you participated in that wasn't a good idea?

    petite, mother of two from Minnesota-heart of an angel, super, super nice lady

Good ole' Minnesotans. I love my people. Poor girl.

To contribute, and in the same vein as "chili eating" and things of that nature, me and some friends put in 10$ each, 6 of us, for a total pot of $60. The challenge was the milk challenge. For those unfamiliar, it's drinking a gallon of milk in an hour, and you can't put it back in the fridge. It spawned form an argument after hearing about it that "we could all easily drink a gallon of milk, because it's delicious and we love it!" So all 6 of us were arguing who and who couldn't do it, so we slapped the money in the pot, went to the grocery store, and returned with 6 gallons of milk, one for each of us...

No one finished, 4 of us puked, myself being one of them. Me and another guy got the farthest, and honestly had less than a glass left in our jugs, but we just couldn't do it. Stared at it for like 30 minutes trying to man up the nerve to finish it but we were both so nauseated. Ended up running to the bathroom and throwing up. The two guys that didn't throw up only drank like half, and like smart people, just admitted defeat and saved themselves a trip to the bathroom.

We each just took our $10 back and that was that.