I think the viewpoint is a bit more like this. You look at "history's greatest art pieces", and a layman might not see anything special with them. Maybe the piece has little to no emotional value, etc. but to a seasoned artist it means the world. They see the technicals. They see the brushstrokes, the color choice, the shading, the outlines, etc. It might not invoke a powerful feeling, but it takes someone who practiced damn well for years to paint something like that. I think that's the same with Jimi. His songs, at face value, don't mean much. The lyrics aren't powerful, the singing isn't great, and so forth. Instead, you have to look at technicals. It takes years.. and years.. and then more years of practice to be able to grind on the neck like him, without even looking nonetheless. He's got amazing skills at the guitar, and anyone who plays guitar, or really any traditional instrument, would see that and be impressed by it. So if you're looking at the brushstrokes, not the image, you see God.
If you look at the image, and not the talent, you see just another image along a plethora of pointless images.