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Reese  ·  4266 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: TNG Podcast - Silence

Thank you, thenewgreen, for your response and your questions. Misophonia is tricky because it can effect those suffering from it in many ways. To make a long story short, as a child, certain sounds would infuriate me. Not just bother me, or annoy. I could hardly sit at the dinner table due to the chewing sounds of my family. And they weren't beasts. They were merely masticating. Door bells, knocking, the 70s music my dad adored... I began building resentments toward the people inflicting pain onto me. That's the weird the about MP. When I was little, I had a hard time equating the anger I was feeling with the bothersome noises. And feeling anger is not unusual. That is what MP is about. Anger from sound. Finally, in my early thirties, I purchased some earplugs and my whole life changed for the better. This was before I had even heard about Misophonia. Finally, about 3 years ago, I was reading about sound sensitivity on the web and I went to a doctor and I told him about my plugs and when I was younger and I was diagnosed. Misophonia, I believe, literally means “the hatred of sound”. I hope I helped answer some of your questions by sharing my owe experiences.