I'm not sure how 'controversial' it is but I don't particularly care about species extinction (whales, pandas for example) rainforests, arctic ice caps, rising sea levels, increased carbon dioxide levels, rising temperatures. I'm not denying any of these things are happening, I believe that they are but I am unconcerned.
Almost anything involving a "Save the planet" mentality strikes me as false and self serving. The proper title for these movements would be "Keep the planet in a state that suits us humans.". The planet doesn't care about us, it is not a caring mother earth or some other crap. It is a system that right now supports our existence, but there is no guarantee that this will continue. A few small environmental changes could wipe out a lot of the planets biomass but life in other forms may continue. It has happened in the past and will happen again.
The fact that we take on a measure of guilt for the change in the environment (regardless of the damage we supposedly cause via 'unnatural' burning of fossil fuels etc) is more to do with a human guilt complex than anything else.
There is the argument that we should save the planet for out descendants but I don't find that particularly convincing. If the environment will be destroyed within my lifetime or even my grand childrens lifetime then it is already too late to change. If it occurs after this point then I will be long dead and the only reason to care for my descendants would be to hope my genetic material is not lost forever.