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user-inactivated  ·  4129 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Collapsing Comments: Pros? Cons?

All of these users over from reddit in the last couple days have jumped to propose changes to hubski that make it seem more like reddit. You guys have been here less than 48 hours -- give the site a bit more of a run-through before you suggest these things.

Adding collapsible commenting may, in my opinion, lessen the average length/quality of posts. Right now the comments section of hubski is very different from reddit's -- smaller, with many more thought-out and long posts. There aren't too many one-sentence replies, and there aren't any frivolous conversation threads. These are bad things for the overall quality of the site. If mk adds collapsibility, it may be seen as a green light for people to write less thoughtful/shorter posts -- because hey, everyone else can collapse it, right?

Just a thought -- let's not jump to suggest this because it seems to make things slightly easier. hubski's comments are much more worth reading than reddit's, and collapsibility may also make it easier to hide things that are probably worth seeing, and skip to easier received posts.