I feel it's necessary, but that doesn't mean it's unfortunate. I can see why we have these rules on us, our floor has thousands of dollars in floor damage despite these rules and false fire alarms have been a huge problem for our building. So having real good parties becomes near impossible.
I wouldn't mind, but due to the riot house parties also get shut down way to quickly. Even in all student neighborhoods where nobody complains they get busted up.
So it's necessary but I feel like (as it's my first year at the infamous residence in this uni) that I've been cheated out of the experience
But Queens has a little more going for it as Kingston is a bit more mature and it's right by the lake. If you're not partying in London there isn't a whole lot to do but hit the bars, and that's not really what the uni experience is supposed to be like, is it?
What are you studying?