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spencerflem  ·  72 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 3, 2024

Windows 10 is losing support soon, and I won't be able to (easily) upgrade to 11 as appparently my CPU is too old, even though they were selling them until 2019 but whatever. Still haven't decided what I'm going to do, probably leaving it as Windows 10 and just being insecure tbh, since I want to run Photoshop and linux isnt good at that and like hell am I buying another computer for no reason. (two, since my laptop is too old as well)

Anyways, while reading about different OSes to install, I came across Genode (https://genode.org/) and I love it so so much. So many alternative OSes are just so boring. Like cool, you're rewriting everything from scratch, so that it can run normal posix programs worse?? see: gnu/hurd, redox, serinityos. This one's actually doing its own thing and it's incredibly nifty. I can't explain it well concisely yet, but If anyone's interested I'm happy to give the long pitch.

& as part of that, I've been daydreaming about what the perfect OS would be like, no constraints whatsoever. Feel free to suggest any ideas, planning on making a blog post out of it eventually. Right now my favorite is adding undo/redo to everything, including being able to scrub backwards in time and restart from there.