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Foveaux  ·  74 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: July 3, 2024

Tis the heart of winter in NZ, and even more wintry in dreary Dunedin. Icy footpaths, fire crackling at night, rugging up everywhere you go and my glasses steam up whenever I enter a cafe.

Went to a 'drone light show' last week, and I swear most of the fuckin' town turned up. The organisers learned a lesson in event infrastructure at least. Four toilets, four, for thousands of people. The food trucks were all arranged next to each other, so every line for one truck became the line for another. They'll know for next time.

The show was cool though. Perfect night for it, and there were exactly 201 drones operating the show. This number was chosen, apparently, because the previous NZ record for such a show was 200 drones. So uhh, suck it, those guys.

They floated in towards us in a swarm, then organised themselves into gently rotating shapes of native birds/animals. Many "oohs" and "aahs". One kid screamed "It's a Kiwi!" when, in fact, it was an eel.

Got tickets to go see Hozier this November. Big fan of him. Not a big fan of concerts, but I'll brave it for my partner.

Hope you're all well.