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spencerflem  ·  287 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What Sports Illustrated’s BotGate really means for journalism

I think it's cool to use the tweakbox when it raises the standard, when it's being used to replace drudgery, or when it's for something unimportant. This is the fun and creative part though, none of the artists I know like the process of drawing a quick sketch and then having control taken away at the end.

And "presuming there's no money" doesn't apply here since Wizards of the Coast is by far Hasbro's most profitable division. (1 bil revenue, 500 mill profits in 2021) They have the money. It's not that the AI assisted art is awful, it's that (in this case at least) it's worse for the artists and worse for the consumers, and there's no reason for it besides greed.