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ButterflyEffect  ·  408 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 8, 2023

Made it to the other side, y'all. This is the first weekend since 1/1/2023 that I don't have plans to go 2+ hours away at least one day of the weekend. That might change...but I'm not dying for it to change. Last weekend I took a snowmobile up to North Cascades National Park for some incredibly stormy backcountry skiing, and now, I'm kind of done with winter and being wet and cold all the time. The part where we almost rolled the snowmobile on day one was real fuckin' stressful. Skiing was incredible though.

Dating is going a lot better, I think? At least I feel mentally healthier about it but maybe that's because I give a fair amount less of a shit.

- Went on a 2nd date with a girl Monday night, she's into cross-country skiing, yoga, and hiking, and is generally a very pleasant and attractive person. Might have slept with her, which I'm trying not to do with people on the first couple-few dates...but no complaints there. Going out again early next week.

- Went on a 1st date last night with a climber girl who's actually down to earth with her climbing and has other interests, also attractive! Super fun night, figuring out when a 2nd date will happen with her.

- Aaaaaand have a 2nd date this weekend with the girl I met at that concert a few weeks back.