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Dude. 5:33. Whizzy spinny arm. Watch the sun.

They shot that shit timelapse

They aren't even in the regime of approximation here. They straight up welded up a beer can, got a motor spinning, and then broke the shit out of it. Probably when they let their load go in an insufficiently synchronized fashion and smashed the bearing first one direction and then the other.

Does it really matter? They pretty much need it to be vacuum from launch to the Karman Line or else they're fucked. There's no aspect of their design that indicates they've even done wind tunnel tests. They haven't so much as watched a redneck sandcasting aluminum with a propane torch. "Mach 6" is a phrase for them, not a fluid regime. The thing that blows my mind about that video is the only stuff that we didn't call out a year ago is stuff that is actually worse.