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wasoxygen  ·  1015 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Life Advice: Become a Billionaire

    My problem with billionaires (and large corporations) is that they control so much of our life in a completely un democratic way.

I don't feel controlled by billionaires or corporations. I can't think of a decision I have made that was controlled by a billionaire or corporation, preventing me from choosing some alternative. My interactions with them are voluntary. Can you give an example?

I agree this is not democratic. The democratic organization controls my ability to travel, my options for buying and consuming goods, my healthcare options, and much more.

    It's just such an unfathomable amount of money that no amount of hard work justifies.

To choose an unusually sympathetic example, J.K. Rowling is a billionaire. The amount of work to write the Harry Potter books would have been similar no matter how popular they became. If she gets a dollar every time someone enjoys one of her books, does that become unjustified after some number of readers are delighted?