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dccrux  ·  1184 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 417th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately"

NIN because of Pandemics and Insurrections. The Downward Spiral is in my heavy youtube rotation now because of course but here's one that I missed until just now. NIN and Tori Amos got me through a LOT in the early nineties, and NIN works again now:

When I grade exams or write projects or work on my Pathfinder campaigns I listen to synthwave compilations. It's usually pretty background-music but every now and again I have to dance in my chair:

Dorian Electra is my boo. They did a video all dressed up and femmy and it was weird. That is not this one. Adam and Steve is maybe better, but - did you know the Village People were still around and doing stuff? Weird!

And I'm just going to put this right here: