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mk  ·  1274 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: October 28, 2020

I think a lot of it rides on how clear the margin is on Nov 3. Florida should have final results on Nov 3. If Biden carries Florida, then it will be clear that Trump has lost. In fact, Biden could very well have more than 270 that night. Of course, Trump will cry foul and say that there was massive fraud, but he doesn't have a lot of options at that point, and everyone except most of his base knows he is full of shit. The talk will just be centered around his concession. If Biden pulls off something crazy and wins Texas, then Trump is being compared to Jimmy Carter and he is toast.

If Trump wins Florida, then I suspect chaos. He will then do everything in his power to call the election at the current counts and stop further counting. It won't be easy for him to do, however, the media probably won't maintain discipline and will follow Trump into a crazy place.

Of course, Nov 3 is still a very long way away.

Biden should be in Texas. Young people are voting in droves in Texas.

Edit: Apparently Bloomberg started spending money in Texas yesterday.