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g5w  ·  1296 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 30, 2020


Totally lost interest in working on the house this weekend. Managed to do some painting on Saturday, but had no energy on Sunday. So, I let the wife talk me into going to the nursery on Sunday to look at plants. I thought it was just window shopping, but we ended up getting some shrubs and planting them and moving a bunch of other plants. So exhausted from digging on Monday, I convinced the wife to go kayaking after work during a lull in the rain. And finally, yesterday I got to rest and relax.


Our middle child came for a quick visit on Monday evening. It was good to see the three of them. Looks like they won't be shipping out until late October now. So we might be taking our grandson for this weekend! Everyone else is status quo. Not a bad thing.


Planning to go brewery hopping in a couple of weeks with some friends. We're going to camp out for the weekend and spend two days hitting as many Rhode Island breweries as we can. I could really use the brake and am looking forward to it. Had a conversation with my wife over the weekend where I complained about home office and my thoughts on improving it. She told me to do it, that regardless of when I go back to the "real" office, the improvements won't go to waste. So now I am shopping for a new ultra-wide monitor to replace my two crappy monitors, a new webcam and microphone, new chair, redesigning the desk, etc. Guess this will be my birthday and Christmas presents this year. I really should be putting the money towards the house, but I'm greedy.

Life keeps moving, I keep chasing it. It's all good.