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cgod  ·  1307 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 23, 2020

I installed new smoke alarms on all levels of the my house and put a fire extinguisher on each level.

I suppose that is doing good, not a laugh riot but it could save my home or a life.

I built a school desk for my daughter last week, which she really liked but wanted a little taller.

Today I built a 2nd school desk that is a little taller and I suppose I'll give away the first one.

I might make a similar desk for myself on which to play Dungeons and Dragons (we play on line now, which I hate but it's better than nothing).

I put a few splashes of fish sauce in some chicken noodle soup that I'm making, it was the right choice.