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wasoxygen  ·  1327 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Online Privacy Should Be Modeled on Real-World Privacy

I think it’s easy for people sufficiently interested in this issue to write, or even read, an article like this to overestimate the interest that other people have in the subject.

Here’s the mockup of the feature:

How many people will click “Allow Tracking”?

Consider how often the first button is “OK” and muscle memory says it’s the one you click to make the thing you just requested happen.

Consider how many apps and services are already interlinked, and how hard it might be to figure out what might break if you opt out. See an address in Safari? Click on it to get directions from Google. See a phone number in Chrome? Tap it to dial your Apple device. Log in all over with your Facebook or Google account so you don’t need a million passwords.

Forced to choose between “personalized ads” and “random ads” how many people would choose random?

Surely at least 99% of ads are ignored. That means all businesses have to spend a lot more to reach their next customer. If targeting is improved, the whole disagreeable sector can be smaller and less wasteful. I would think people around here with businesses that have an online presence would be supportive of ad targeting.