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oyster  ·  1374 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The tourism industry is closed; let’s keep it that way

As someone who works in tourism and makes bank the author here is pretty out of touch with the bigger picture. American tourists are great, they tip more than anybody else. I can’t stand smug European or Australian tourists who act like their culture is better than everybody’s since they don’t. Obviously that’s not everybody, but it’s annoying when they don’t even realize their attitude sucks. It sounds like this author just wanted to rip on Americans.

It’s just like, why go with everybody in the industry is underpaid and then slag on Americans the people who will throw money at you if that’s your countries thing. It’s also crap, because as someone in the industry I know how much somebody can make working on cruise ships and it’s not peanuts. What experience does this person have ? Do they know what people working for this company make or are they just assuming ?

There’s a valid conversation about limiting tourism so the places are actually enjoyable again, but this article went in such a weird direction.