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By the end of their lives George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were no longer on speaking terms. The breakdown of their friendship reveals much about politics in the early American Republic.

It also echoes in today's political world. I try to avoid politics but in researching this article, I was struck by how similar the newspapers that supported either the Federalists or Republicans are remarkably similar to Fox News/MSNBC in the outright bias, willingness to exaggerate their reporting and character assassination. Frankly, I found what Washington's opponents had to say about him to be shocking. Some called him stupid and a monarchist-- and those were the "moderates." Others called the Father of Our Country greedy, a thief, a murderer, a traitor and so on with some calling for his impeachment.

Donald Trump is no George Washington and I am not taking sides on this one, hence I mentioned Fox and MSNBC. The attached link is a shorter version . I also wrote a longer version that is linked at the top of the shorter post which includes a bunch of quotes, if you are interested. I welcome any thoughts, observations.