I have gone on to save the lives of 10 people, myself included once in a near disaster that would have killed me, my sister, her husband and both of their children. I saved my Party Chiefs life back in 1976 or so, though at the time we did not discuss it, it was too immediate. He was nearly run over by a grader or patrol, long caterpillar with that wide blade beneath. It was backing on to him and I managed to shout above the noise of the machine, he jumped clear at the last moment. 20 years later after many a different job for me, in a crowd of fellow workers as we had our morning coffee, he pointed at me and said, "Yeah, that guy saved my life". It was good for me as I had many other experiences that near rivaled that one and had become detached for reason of sanity from my exploits. It was the first time he had acknowledged it.