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kleinbl00  ·  1579 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: NASA's Mars Lander 'Mole' Is Digging Again as Marsquake Mystery Baffles Scientists

    Kinda seems like this was a project that wasn't all that well researched in 1997 and has made the rounds ever since.

Tent stakes are not new tech yet I can't find any evidence of anyone ever making a self-driving one. I'm not convinced that there was a lot of testing of this thing; I can't imagine it working in my back yard and I've got 60% more gravity to work with.

FIFTEEN FEET. The thing is supposed to penetrate fifteen feet of unknown dirt. Not "dig", penetrate.


It's got a Maxon DCX-22 motor - this one - which is 22mm in diameter. It's basically driving an impact wrench that isn't twisting. At all.

Near as I can tell that motor tops out at 14W. That's about a 0.02 HP motor. The paper lists a 0.7W duty cycle every four seconds. Which has to generate enough force to compress a spring that can force what's effectively a paper towel tube through fifteen feet of unknown dirt. Yet that scientific paper mostly talks about coatings, as if the science of a self-hammering tent stake was settled.

Apparently it was sold as a "mobile penetrometer." When you search for that on Youtube you get stuff like this:

I find it hard to avoid the conclusion that NASA flew an experiment that had never been tested nor even seriously evaluated.