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ooli  ·  1703 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what's your favorite cover version of a song?

L'été indien by Boney Nem

From the french original

Adapted itself from the real original albratros - Africa

then Lez Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra adapted the french version to indian Summer which make me shiver

Then adapted in german under "September wind"

I dont even like that song


My new favorite is Pirate Jenny song from the 3 penny opera by Shilpa Ray, Nick Cave and Warren Ellis

Cover of Nina simone

Itself adapted from the original in german with Lotte Lenya

  Also love all Bossa Nova cover Like this one . It's a style on itself, they cover everything from Gun's n'Roses to Adele to Drake, Bob marley, etc