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blackbootz  ·  1834 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 17, 2019

That's so cool! I agree they're definitely onto something. They have a pipeline of software developers going right to Facebook, Stripe, myriad startups upon graduation. There's probably a bit of a low-hanging fruit/selection bias with their early success--a horde of would-be engineers with pent-up desire to enter new careers--but I think their income share agreement is a great idea. $30k is a bit steep, though. But for 9 months of intense bootcamping? Plus the final 3 months of job search assistance? I think it's the best way to develop the skills that's available right now on the market, given that I learn best with a commitment device such as regular class and meeting time.

I see the program as a way towards developing hard skills and becoming sought-after. A medium-term goal is to use my communication and people skills and become a killer group or project leader. Then maybe start a business.

Things get fuzzier the farther I look in the future. And I'm not without my doubts--a friend who owns an online marketing business with 20 employees and knows how to code thinks I could get into the industry without a paid coding camp. What do you think?