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veen  ·  1908 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What This Seat Bracket Says About the Future of Automotive Manufacturing

I've become very interested in generative design lately. We had Autodesk over at our company the other day to talk about it, and after playing with the tools for a bit I've become convinced that it could revolutionize urban developments and urban design. Urban design is about figuring out what to do with a place, designing for stakeholders' desires while taking (policy) limitations into account. That has always sounded like an optimization problem to me, with constraints (policy) and goals to maximize or minimize (in the GM case lightness/cost/etc, in our case project cost/sustainability/...). I found the Alkmaar example here absolutely mesmerizing, and I'm arranging meetings with the company that did the pilot. If it still looks interesting after hearing what happened when the rubber met the road, I'm gonna be the one to helm our expedition into generative design.