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“White people?” When did I mention anything about race? Lame insertion. Having money is certainly needed if you’re going to do this. It will either be public money or private. If you’re going to do something in lieu of regulation, it has to be private. If you’re going to do something that can happen quickly and efficiently the. it has to be private. Fuck govt.

I didn’t bring up Beverly Hills, you did. As for this only being accessible to rich people, that may be true. That said 1/5 cars I see are Tesla’s in LA. Getting 20% of traffic below ground would make the plebeian freeways above that much more efficient.

I applaud the guy. He sees problems and comes up with solutions. Are they his? Are they unique to him? Perhaps not. Can he get them done? He has a track record of fruition.

Trickle down car-enomics.