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tacocat  ·  1995 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: CBD: the super popular cannabis compound explained

This stuff is a joke. I tried it and it didn't do anything. And like the article says, we don't know how to dose it. I ate it so that might have something to do with why it didn't work for me. But it's also a joke because the "recovery community" is having two separate freak outs over it. The AA, abstinence only, God will heal you people are freaking out because you can't drug test for it so, even though it doesn't get you high, it's still a drug so it's verboten. I saw a guy break down in tears earlier this year after he admitted to taking CBD at a sober living facility. Then there's a less hardline faction who thinks it's magic recovery juice. Like you're going to discover this impotent bullshit supplement and stop using heroin or drinking a half gallon of vodka a day. CDB may be like marginally useful or fun given more research. My experience with it has been a waste of $9 and a bunch of people I know freaking out. Shit's stupid.