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galen  ·  2043 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 12, 2018

    Despite all the distractions/adventures/food for thought, I'm still not free of the mental burdens I bore back home. The fact that I feel like I'm without people who know and understand me, that I don't need permission to hang out or be with. I thought maybe I'd escape that by being someplace radically different. But we carry it with us. It's an internal resolution that I haven't found yet. I'm still learning to be whole wherever and whenever I am.

It's very easy to (consciously or subconsciously) feel like travelling (running away) is the answer. In my experience, it even works at first-- the newness of somewhere foreign beats out old pain. But the latter creeps back in, and either we deal with it, or we run further away.

I'm trying to work through my burdens too. Write a PM if you ever want to talk.