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zebra2  ·  2063 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Helen Dale: My Unpopular Opinion: There Are Too Many Mediocre Artists

This is one area (of many) where I blame the ever growing academia bubble. We’ve spent so long as a society championing the sacred virtue of learning and knowledge, and it’s enabled a vampiric money-sucking approach to take over even the public education institutions. Everyone get a degree! Yes you can do it! $80k in debt for that art degree? Sure thing! There’s nothing curbing this irresponsible pursuit of financially ruinous education, and more and more fields are going to get swallowed by it.

Library Sciences and Art may have been questionable degrees from a long-term financial perspective since a long ago, but since tuition is steadily rising and salaries aren’t, every degree is going to fall in this pit if nothing changes. I find myself wondering if I’m in that trailblazer group whose advanced STEM degree was one of the first to be not worth it.

So yes, we are churning out artists with no regard as to whether they should be artists or not, but we do that with everything now.