Ideas are no good unless you have the technical skill to translate them into something tangible. Study your craft it is a skill creativity without skill is useless
your first 10,000 drawings, songs, photographs are shit To master something you must do it 10,000 times you can do two things at once (you can work and be a musician) too many people feel a sense of entitlement this is bullshit you are not entitled to anything you have to make it happen. If you don't do it someone else will If you have thought of it someone else has Don't wait for the next idea make the one you have real first Keep a notebook Always practice your craft Practice dose not make perfect Perfect practice makes perfect. be your own thing study the past so to avoid mistakes in the future The future dose not exist Drugs do not enhance your talent skill imagination or creativity. Successful people work harder than everyone else Do not discuss ideas with anyone especially other men (this is an important point to note) Do not discuss objectives with anyone Do not show unfinished work opinions are like assholes It takes time for your technical skill to match your critical eye or your expectation you have to produce a body of work and refine your art all the time. Just because you know what sounds or looks good dose not and will not mean you can instantly recreate that. It is a skill that has to be developed.