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FirebrandRoaring  ·  2240 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Quest to Tackle the Rubbish Dump in Orbit

I don't want to dicker in the dev tools, but from the imbecilic stutter of the scroll event, I'd say it's bad (heavy, bloated) JavaScript. They could've done similar with pure CSS with a decent fallback for the less-than-up-to-date browsers.

That they're using JS to achieve the same effect is both a waste of resources and a shame on such a big corporation. They're out of touch with their audience, and that breeds inhumane design. I hand-craft my web pages. If I'm ever in a position not to be able to afford that (or achieve the same result by hiring designers on my payroll), it's time for me to retire.

And if, by some curse, it is CSS, I do not envy those daring to look at the stylesheet's content.