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flac  ·  2267 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: February 7, 2018  ·  


First of all, my first sweater is done!

Really happy with how it turned out, just a smidge short, but that's okay. Already started another sweater, because I'm crazy.

Also, I started painting stuff this weekend. I've never really been good at or liked drawing/painting, but I've been toying with some isometric stuff for the past few weeks, which has been fun. I'm making about 1 room a day, might connect them, might not.

First one:

(The dog is named Sammy)

Not quite as cleanly executed as I'd like, but I like the design of this room. Might make it again sometime.

WIP of the current one.