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WanderingEng  ·  2291 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: January 10, 2018

I haven't really bonded with my Subaru. I don't like the idea of bonding with a car. It's just a tool. Yet I can't help feeling like it annoys me.

1. The Gracenote musician photos on the stereo.

2. Cruise control dying when adaptive cruise control disables. Ok, fine, you can't tell if there's a car ahead of me. I can. Just hold a steady 60 mph.

3. The volume control buttons on the steering wheel suck.

4. The dealer is everything I hate about car dealers and is everything my Honda dealer wasn't.

5. The driver side windshield washer is pathetic. Above 25 mph it just sprays the bottom of the windshield. Related to #4, the dealer just says "seems fine to us."

6. This is the only car I've ever driven with adaptive cruise control, and maybe it's the best of the best. But I can't help feel like it's stupid. Accelerate toward a car going much slower, then stop accelerating 20 feet away, then coast too close and brake. Even absent the adaptive part, the cruise more generally is stupid. It can't handle hills. Hill starts, and the speed drops. The cruise responds by accelerating, eventually going faster than the set point. Then I crest the hill, the car still had the accelerator down, and now we're going much faster than the set point. It slows the car, maybe even braking, and eventually is slower than the set point. I think it's a PID controller with some shitty gain settings. It needs to put more emphasis on derivative and less on proportional.

7. It thinks there's a passenger with there's a pound of stuff on the passenger seat.

I'd miss the AWD, but I'm thinking about trading for a Civic hatchback. I wish the Clarion was cheaper.