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tacocat  ·  2302 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: December 20, 2017

I want you to not take it personally when you're told you're wrong and not expect to have the kind of knowledge of this country that you seem to think you have. You can have insight but as an outsider and your knowledge is indirectly acquired. We once had a long conversation that was basically me and others trying to explain that you don't understand freedom of speech here and you wouldn't back down from your misunderstanding of that right here. You need to be willing to back down like I do when I hear about Canada or New England instead of getting butthurt. You aren't going to find a more willing community to consider the experience of the world outside their own experience than hubski and your prejudice about the people in America and your perceived disrespect are causing your bad experience. And you know what? You're still upset that you feel someone is disrespecting you instead of giving you advice on how to approach people and get over your own arrogance