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rthomas6  ·  2300 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Star Wars Episode 8 is the longest primal hallucination you will ever experience

I sort of disagree.

You're right, the things you mentioned are stupid. They're cheesy and they make no sense. Now, and this will be hard if you're a big fanboy/girl, go watch the original trilogy like you have never seen them before and know nothing about it. Preferably the Despecialized Edition so you can see the unruined versions. I think you'll find them pretty bad also. (Aside: I am in no way implying the prequels were good, or on par with the original trilogy. I hate the prequels so much I can't even convey how much without writing several paragraphs). Here are some nitpickings of the original trilogy, without even taking into account the bad acting and overall cheesiness that we let slide because of nostalgia reasons.

Episode IV

- Why didn't the Imperials shoot the escape pod? Did they not consider there might be droids with the information on it, while on a ship full of droids?

- Why use droids at all instead of sending transmissions to the base like they do for some other things? Too much data maybe?

- Obi Wan spent decades in hiding and made it very clear he wanted to remain inconspicuous in Mos Eisley. Oh look he just drew a lightsaber in the middle of a crowded bar and identified himself. Then talks to Han Solo like Solo won't know exactly why Obi Wan the Obvious Jedi would want to avoid the Empire.

- Why didn't Tarkin just blow up Yavin to get in range of the rebel base faster? I guess this one makes sense because they felt no danger from the rebel fleet.

- Wait, did the TIE fighter to Vader's right during the trench run just crash into him for no reason?

- Who is Tarkin and why is he above Vader? Oh I guess it doesn't matter, he's dead.

Episode V

- That probe droid just sent a live feed over long distance. So why couldn't they transmit the Death Star Schematics again?

- Wait a minute, did Luke only spend like a day or two with Yoda before leaving? He got there when the Millennium Falcon was evading the Imperials and going into the asteroid field/space worm, and left soon after the Falcon arrived at Cloud City. Only a few days had passed.

- And how did the Falcon get to Cloud City in the first place? They didn't have a working warp drive at the time?

- Force users can absorb blasters with their hands?

- Force users can communicate with each other over long distances?

- Force users can see into the future???

Episode VI

- A lot of stuff. You get the point.

To be clear, I like all three of these movies. Especially Empire Strikes Back. But all three were full of pointless scenes, things that made no sense, and general cheesiness. It was part of the charm. I for one think Episode 8 fits in pretty well.