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Thanks for posting that video again. I forgot about it :)

    They no longer see themselves as members of that group. They have selected a new society, and what matters is where they are in their new society, not their old one.

This is a good point and it puts things in perspective. I remember the last time I met all of them in one place and I felt somehow separated because I did not share their language or interest but they seemed to have fun/understand each other.

    But I also think that a former Facebook exec having his cock sucked by a bunch of business school tards at Stanford is the worst possible place to find altruism and humanity and shame on you for thinking there'd be any.

I have been wondering lately how I can help to improve things that are running wrong in our society and have discussed it with colleagues. In particular, we often discuss the situation of science is nowadays. Problems with Journals, open science, financing etc. and we always seem to end up with the conclusion that to have a dramatic/disruptive change in how things are run we need to build something that works different and by that prove that our ideas are valid (like Skype in that video you posted, for example). And for that, we either need money ourselves or someone that can give us enough money to do it. An example of that in our field is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation only financing work that will be published as open-access.

So I was asking myself whether the way I am going might be wrong. My intention was to go through the DFG or maybe the ERC to move things forward. Parallel to that is the option of having enough capital to accelerate these changes without going through the 30 levels of positions in my original option...